I thought this would be a smoother quarter than those from last year, and then I had to go and take four classes instead of three, and end up president of a student group somehow. (I don't know how to say no. Really need to work on that.)
Needless to say, a lot has been going on, and I have been remiss in taking note of it. Not a day after I complained about the messy pile of books on my floor I went out and got myself a little bookshelf, which is already full, so there's one improvement.
This past weekend is I was up in Boulder for a SRMA event hosted by the University of Colorado Boulder. Lots of talks from interesting archivists in the area, and we went on a spitfire tour of Norlin library's conservation, archives, and special collections department. We got to see a Mein Kampf signed by Hitler, flip through (yes, touch) an incunable from France, and got to see the university's presses and such for repairs.
This coming weekend is the CAL Conference, which I will admit I'm only mildly interested in. My focus has properly solidified towards archives and special collections, and CAL is all about public librarianship, with maybe a few exceptions. But I will be seeing some people there that I haven't seen since the last conference, so it will be nice to meet up and mingle and all of that.
On top of that I'm thinking of getting a friend for my rat. They're social creatures, and although I play with her all the time, I think she could use a friend. We've both been sniffling though, so I'll have to see about whether or not it's appropriate to bring an animal into a sick house.
Summer left with this weekend. After weeks and weeks of record heat, October dropped the temperature by ten degrees, and so it has stayed. I'm breaking out all the sweaters and so on, and expect to remain bundled up until April.