Friday, May 1, 2009

The Kindle

I have been eying e-readers

Progress indeed

The Kindle and Snobbery Via the times. They are missing out on one important fact here. At $300+ per, you don't need to know what someone is reading on a kindle to know where they stand on the literary snob meter. The fact that they put down 300 dollars plus to read when you can pick up a good book for 25c at a library sale is itself a good indication of the type of reader that they are.

I wouldn't want a kindle anyway. I don't want to marry a single company just to use an electronic device. I don't care how convenient (read:easy to spend more money) they make it. I was looking at the sony reader and the cybook, and there is the possibility of reading on my DS which would be nice considering I don't use it for anything ever. In particular I'd like to try out this 100 Classic Books Collection.

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